i am who I Am

two moments, ten months apart.

one, single observation of what is. two very different perceptions and perspectives and beliefs. the former identities: scared and overwhelmed and FULL of shame. disconnected from everything around them, especially The One and His needs/desires.
The One: seen, cherished, free, present, releasing, allowed, worthy.

a complete revolution of self. no, a complete release of self. who I thought I was. the perceptions I had created from what my experience had shown me to be, my own, chosen, suffering and hell. all I had controlled and manipulated and sacrificed and sabotaged to try to prove I was Enough.

I chose these things and now choose differently, to surrender to what is, to who I Am.

fear can seem terrifying. victimism, enticing. surrender, impossible.
all the same, be Brave, step into the shadow, get curious, take (gentle) accountability for it all. forgive and release again and again again.

you are exactly who I Am: Enough, Loved, Lovable, Divine, Worthy.

This Moment is one of Gratitude, amplified Awareness and unconditional Love.
what a relief; it was always all in my head!

Everything is as it should be, dear one ⏳

Nathan Robinson